Does DIRECTV offer programming for AIs?
Absolutely! With our newest feed addition—TuringTV—your software can link to human entertainment from any era (maybe just steer them away from mid-1980s James Cameron films).
Absolutely! With our newest feed addition—TuringTV—your software can link to human entertainment from any era (maybe just steer them away from mid-1980s James Cameron films).
With the latest in Neurolink technology and CCI-inputted sensory stimuli, DIRECTV is meant to be more than just “watched.” And, sure, you could plug into a physical screen, assuming you can find one, but output resolution will be limited to 64K and only two senses. You have eight—why not use all of them?
We’ve spent more than a century removing the barriers between you and your favorite TV. With Neuroplay via GeminEye, your content is streamed directly to your cerebrum-computer interface (CCI). Setup is literally light speed. Consult your neuroimplanter and cyberneticist—and always stream responsibly.