Xoomers: The Not-So-Micro-Generation

Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


Say hello to Xoomers, born between 1956 and 1964, who are breaking the mold for what over-50 looks like. Making up over 38% of the over-50 population, Xoomers are a not-so-micro-generation you can’t afford to miss. Not only are they a hefty share of the U.S. older adult population, they’re also responsible for almost a quarter of consumer spending in the U.S.

Download your free white paper and gain marketing tips and insights into this often overlooked, yet vital, generation.

Xoomers: The Not-So-Micro-Generation

Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy



Say hello to Xoomers, born between 1956 and 1964, who are breaking the mold for what over-50 looks like. Making up over 38% of the over-50 population, Xoomers are a not-so-micro-generation you can’t afford to miss. Not only are they a hefty share of the U.S. older adult population, they’re also responsible for almost a quarter of consumer spending in the U.S.

Download your free white paper and gain marketing tips and insights into this often overlooked, yet vital, generation.

Xoomers: The Not-So-Micro-Generation

Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy



Say hello to Xoomers, born between 1956 and 1964, who are breaking the mold for what over-50 looks like. Making up over 38% of the over-50 population, Xoomers are a not-so-micro-generation you can’t afford to miss. Not only are they a hefty share of the U.S. older adult population, they’re also responsible for almost a quarter of consumer spending in the U.S.

Download your free white paper and gain marketing tips and insights into this often overlooked, yet vital, generation.