Consumer Behavior

Top 10 Loyalty Program Dos and Don’ts

Today, informed customers know they have choices. If your loyalty program isn’t firing on all cylinders, your customers will find something better. You don’t have to outspend the competition, you just have to outthink them. Download your free white paper.

5 Ideas for Program Innovation + A Bonus

Welcome to the Age of the Customer. The fastest-growing companies are focused on improving their customer relationships. With competitors just one click away, it’s essential to build loyalty and trust with every customer interaction. Here are five principles that will help you build better relationships with your customers. Download your free white paper.

Medicare Marketers: Is your font the type that’s easy to read?

What’s the point of advertising if your audience can’t see what you’re communicating? One of the biggest challenges in marketing to Boomers and Medicarians is creating materials they can actually read with their aging and low vision issues. And I’m not just talking about people in their 80s. Vision problems can crop up as early as your 50s. Think of ...

Medicare Marketers: Write into the minds of Baby Boomers

There are approximately 79 million baby boomers in the U.S., and it’s a pretty even split between men and women. From now until 2030, roughly 10,000 of them will age into Medicare every day. To ensure your marketing communications are as effective and persuasive as possible, it’s good to understand this target’s backstory and how to write content in a ...

Medicare Marketers: Stop using the S-Word.

The only time the word Senior has ever had any cachet was when we were all freshmen in high school. Or maybe when we coveted a promotion—as in Senior Management. But for those 65 and older, and especially those aging into Medicare, you might as well address them as old fogey or dinosaur, because that’s what the target audience hears ...

Are Boomers Blind to Your Marketing?

Boomers are my main target. So I did some research into how our vision changes as we get older to make sure the marketing I was creating was as easy to read as possible. It was eye-opening, to say the least. Not to bum you out, but as we age: Our pupils get smaller and our field of vision decreases. ...

“Switching Culture” In Streaming and TV Is Now A Thing

We’ve been entertaining the hypothesis that video viewers can and will follow preferred content wherever it goes. Regardless of platform, cable service provider or mobile device, consumers can now comfortably navigate different service providers. In the not so distant past, consumers were locked into single service providers by geographical boundaries. Entire counties could be serviced only with content from one ...

Exclusive Offer: Medicare Marketing in Our Digital World

The Medicare audience is more digitally oriented than you may know. Our new, comprehensive ebook will enlighten you on the latest digital marketing solutions and help you better segment and target individuals for effective results—just in time for AEP! Request your personal presentation of KERN Health’s Medicare Marketing handbook today.