Exclusive Offer: Medicare Marketing in Our Digital World

The Medicare audience is more digitally oriented than you may know. Our new, comprehensive ebook will enlighten you on the latest digital marketing solutions and help you better segment and target individuals for effective results—just in time for AEP! Request your personal presentation of KERN Health’s Medicare Marketing handbook today.

Medicare Marketers Are Struggling to Develop Digital Marketing Strategy

We live in a digital world. The signs of people’s ever-increasing passion for digital communications are all around us. Digital has become woven into the fabric of everyday life, yet Medicare marketers aren’t prepared to develop a digital marketing strategy. KERN Health’s informal polls at the 2016 Medicare Marketing & Sales Summits in Orlando and Nashville ...

Digital Strategy 101: A Prerequisite to Building a Digital Strategy

What Is a Digital Strategy? A digital strategy is the process of identifying, articulating and executing on digital opportunities that will increase your organization’s competitive advantage. Building a digital strategy will obviously require knowledge of the digital landscape, along with the knowledge that any Medicare marketing strategist would need to develop any marketing strategy. Part of the confusion surrounding digital ...

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Every year, LUMA Partners, a unique investment banking firm that lives in the digital media world, releases several different LUMAscapes. These provide an infographic look at the landscape for a given digital area. There are LUMAscapes for digital display advertising, digital search advertising, mobile and video. As most Medicare marketers are in the nascent stages of both search and display, ...

For the People, By The Proprietary Software

Big data has advanced the development of AI systems that can take information from a variety of inputs, identify relationships among them and make predictions that humans could never dream of making. Let's take a look at what the recent advances in AI technology mean for content marketing. In 2018, 20% of All Business Content Will Be Authored by Machines ...

A Digital Beginning

The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” This is sound advice for life and for ending the procrastination around when your Medicare marketing organization should begin to create a digital strategy. “Go for it now.” Let’s address the elephant in the room: Every Medicare marketer has numbers to make. It ...

Marketing to the Empowered Buyer Is Impacting Marketers

We’ve come from a world in which our audience was addressable through a mass effort, rather than the precise pinpointed effort that we need today. The most challenging complexity that modern B-to-B marketers face is creating “individualism” within a mass-media framework. To speak to individuals, marketers require a model that directly addresses customer needs, wants and desires. We have evolved ...