CRM Trends

Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons

Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons The CTA button is a critical part of your email—if you’re not getting clicks, you’re not getting conversions. Best practices can vary by both industry and target audience, and the best way to determine what works is to test, test, test. We have identified three main factors to consider in determining the ...

Top 10 Loyalty Program Dos and Don’ts

Today, informed customers know they have choices. If your loyalty program isn’t firing on all cylinders, your customers will find something better. You don’t have to outspend the competition, you just have to outthink them. Download your free white paper.

Build CRM with Inbound Marketing

Today’s consumers are no longer responding to the hard sell the way they have in the past. They now look to brands to be educated about products and services that make their lives easier when making buying decisions. They seek out informative content, and inbound marketing is made to meet this modern buyer’s behavior. The more content you create and ...

5 Ideas for Program Innovation + A Bonus

Welcome to the Age of the Customer. The fastest-growing companies are focused on improving their customer relationships. With competitors just one click away, it’s essential to build loyalty and trust with every customer interaction. Here are five principles that will help you build better relationships with your customers. Download your free white paper.

Learn Fast – The New Mantra for Enterprise Growth Hacking

From acquisition through loyalty, growth hacking is strategically used throughout the customer journey, with a key focus on rapid and continuous growth. Startups thrive on this practice and have cleverly developed marketing strategies that allow them to make quick decisions and optimize their marketing programs. Many innovative cultures are flourishing from their ability to take strategic risks while rapidly testing and ...

10 Proven High-Performance Email Tactics for CRM Program Leaders

If used effectively, your CRM email program can be one of the most powerful marketing tools you have for building ongoing, profitable growth. Your program can help you stay in touch with a range of customer segments, providing each of them with unique value while strengthening their relationship with your brand. To make your CRM email program more effective, here ...

The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Evaluate Solutions

As we move through the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, we’ve identified not only the consumer’s mind-set but also how brands can combat potential consumer anxieties, and suggested marketing strategy and channels to better reach a target audience. We have followed our subject, Tara, along her buying journey purchasing a new laptop. Tara has had concerns about both the price and ...

It’s all about the open rate

They’re short, they’d better be sweet and they can make or break an email. Of course, we’re talking about subject lines. Most of us have found out the hard way that it doesn’t matter how much strategy, creativity and work goes into an email—if it’s not paired with the right subject line, it’s not going to get read. There is ...

The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Search for Solutions & Seek Vendor Solutions

Last week, we reviewed stage 2 of the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, “Need Recognition.” Our subject, Tara Technology, recognized a need days after she experienced her initial distraction in stage 1 due to monetary concerns. We learned that while in both stage 1 and 2, it was important for brands to target customers through pre-determinded personas to communicate brand benefits ...

The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Recognize Need

We continue our weekly series traveling through KERN’s Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage journey. The 10-stage journey was developed based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. Stage 2: Recognize Need After the distraction stage, the consumer recognizes a need which brings them into stage two. ...