• Getting to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Strategy

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Why Marketing Assessments Are Critical to Launching a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Strategy. Where are you with your personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing strategy? If you’re not sure, you’re far from alone. Marketing organizations on both the client side and agency side have a mixture of ...

  • Seven Keys to Superior Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    The Seven Components of Superior Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing. Consumers have changed. They no longer buy in the same ways. They no longer decide what to buy in the same ways. And, more importantly, they no longer hold the same expectations of a brand that they held even yesterday. In fact ...

  • Moving to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Approach

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Now Is the Time to Move to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Approach. With the recent, rapid changes in shopping habits and media diets, and as customer expectations and values take on a multitude of new forms, Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are finding themselves ...

  • The Personalized Marketing Blueprint

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Personalized Marketing has long been one of the biggest challenges for marketers — using data to reach the right person with the right message at the right moment, automated at scale — but now it’s experiencing renewed urgency and focus.

  • How much is your data worth (and would you sell it)?

    Ali Hafiz, Group Creative Director


    I’m not going to bury the lead. The answer is “yes,” you would sell your data, and in fact you already do. The more difficult and nuanced questions to answer are: Exactly how much is it worth, and do you have a choice? In the U.S., this topic is being argued among big tech, consumer advocacy groups, the federal government ...

  • Facial Recognition in a Masked World

    Desmond Burrows, Chief Creative Officer


    Remember trick-or-treating when you were a kid? Going house-to-house in a costume and a mask, with the neighbors trying to guess who you were? We never thought we’d be wearing masks around the neighborhood today (and we have to admit it’s not as fun as we remember). The COVID-19 crisis is raising new questions about identity and privacy. Now that ...

  • Good-bye Big Tech?

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Privacy. Tax loopholes. Monopolies. Hacking. Fake news. What do they all have in common? Big Tech and its influence on current consumer mindsets, the economy and state of the media. The big question here is—do Americans care enough to do something to take away that influence? The short answer is yes. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans say it’s time to ...

  • 5 Ways to Empower the Loyalty Loop

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    In the age of the empowered consumer, buying journeys are rarely linear. This means that the traditional purchase funnel isn’t aligned with the modern customer experience, and it’s time marketers adapted their view to drive conversions.

  • Triggered: Tips to Get Started with Automated Email

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Triggered emails are outperforming standard direct marketing emails but make up only 7% of marketing emails delivered. These vastly underutilized campaigns boast an average of more than 50% compared to the 20% cross-industry average open rate. They can also drive two to five times more revenue than standard emails. While the results speak for themselves, setting up a trigger campaign ...

  • “Hello < FNAME >”, 5 Tips to Create Personalized Experiences That Drive Sales

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We all know that personalization increases customer engagement, loyalty and sales because people naturally connect with brands that create relevant experiences which address their wants and needs, but it’s not always easy to get it right. Here are 5 tips to help you improve customer communications that lead to stronger relationships. Think of your customers as individuals. Start by determining ...

  • Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons The CTA button is a critical part of your email—if you’re not getting clicks, you’re not getting conversions. Best practices can vary by both industry and target audience, and the best way to determine what works is to test, test, test. We have identified three main factors to consider in determining the ...

  • Build CRM with Inbound Marketing

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Today’s consumers are no longer responding to the hard sell the way they have in the past. They now look to brands to be educated about products and services that make their lives easier when making buying decisions. They seek out informative content, and inbound marketing is made to meet this modern buyer’s behavior. The more content you create and ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Evaluate Solutions

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    As we move through the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, we’ve identified not only the consumer’s mind-set but also how brands can combat potential consumer anxieties, and suggested marketing strategy and channels to better reach a target audience. We have followed our subject, Tara, along her buying journey purchasing a new laptop. Tara has had concerns about both the price and ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Search for Solutions & Seek Vendor Solutions

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    Last week, we reviewed stage 2 of the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, “Need Recognition.” Our subject, Tara Technology, recognized a need days after she experienced her initial distraction in stage 1 due to monetary concerns. We learned that while in both stage 1 and 2, it was important for brands to target customers through pre-determinded personas to communicate brand benefits ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Recognize Need

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We continue our weekly series traveling through KERN’s Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage journey. The 10-stage journey was developed based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. Stage 2: Recognize Need After the distraction stage, the consumer recognizes a need which brings them into stage two. ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Distraction

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    KERN developed the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. In this weekly series, we take a deeper look at each of the stages in this journey, what each means for brands and takeaways to act on each stage. ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    The modern consumer is ever-changing. Armed with advancing technology, their mind-set has evolved and no longer fits traditional personas. KERN recognized this problem and sought to develop a solution that would fit modern needs for marketers. Recognizing that the convergence of faster connection speeds on both mobile and home devices, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the ...

  • “Switching Culture” In Streaming and TV Is Now A Thing

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We’ve been entertaining the hypothesis that video viewers can and will follow preferred content wherever it goes. Regardless of platform, cable service provider or mobile device, consumers can now comfortably navigate different service providers. In the not so distant past, consumers were locked into single service providers by geographical boundaries. Entire counties could be serviced only with content from one ...

  • The Future of CRM Marketing: Eight Big Trends and How They Will Affect You

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    A detailed look at forecasted 2018 CRM Marketing trends, from technological advances to shifts in the structure of marketing departments. This white paper provides information to aid in rethinking strategies and incorporating the best resources to optimize results and achieve 2018 goals.

  • SEO Is Finding Its VOICE. What’s Next?

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Gartner, a Connecticut-based technology research firm, has predicted that 30 percent of all web browsing will be screenless by 2020. Instead of typing and looking at electronic devices, people will request information out loud and a gadget will supply the answer in a humanlike voice. Of course, such systems already exist, including Amazon Echo and Google Home. How will this ...

  • Exclusive Offer: Medicare Marketing in Our Digital World

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    The Medicare audience is more digitally oriented than you may know. Our new, comprehensive ebook will enlighten you on the latest digital marketing solutions and help you better segment and target individuals for effective results—just in time for AEP! Request your personal presentation of KERN Health’s Medicare Marketing handbook today.

  • Medicare Marketers Are Struggling to Develop Digital Marketing Strategy

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    We live in a digital world. The signs of people’s ever-increasing passion for digital communications are all around us. Digital has become woven into the fabric of everyday life, yet Medicare marketers aren’t prepared to develop a digital marketing strategy. KERN Health’s informal polls at the 2016 Medicare Marketing & Sales Summits in Orlando and Nashville ...

  • Digital Strategy 101: A Prerequisite to Building a Digital Strategy

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    What Is a Digital Strategy? A digital strategy is the process of identifying, articulating and executing on digital opportunities that will increase your organization’s competitive advantage. Building a digital strategy will obviously require knowledge of the digital landscape, along with the knowledge that any Medicare marketing strategist would need to develop any marketing strategy. Part of the confusion surrounding digital ...

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    Every year, LUMA Partners, a unique investment banking firm that lives in the digital media world, releases several different LUMAscapes. These provide an infographic look at the landscape for a given digital area. There are LUMAscapes for digital display advertising, digital search advertising, mobile and video. As most Medicare marketers are in the nascent stages of both search and display, ...

  • For the People, By The Proprietary Software

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Big data has advanced the development of AI systems that can take information from a variety of inputs, identify relationships among them and make predictions that humans could never dream of making. Let's take a look at what the recent advances in AI technology mean for content marketing. In 2018, 20% of All Business Content Will Be Authored by Machines ...

  • A Digital Beginning

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” This is sound advice for life and for ending the procrastination around when your Medicare marketing organization should begin to create a digital strategy. “Go for it now.” Let’s address the elephant in the room: Every Medicare marketer has numbers to make. It ...

  • Marketing to the Empowered Buyer Is Impacting Marketers

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    We’ve come from a world in which our audience was addressable through a mass effort, rather than the precise pinpointed effort that we need today. The most challenging complexity that modern B-to-B marketers face is creating “individualism” within a mass-media framework. To speak to individuals, marketers require a model that directly addresses customer needs, wants and desires. We have evolved ...

  • Getting to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Strategy

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Why Marketing Assessments Are Critical to Launching a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Strategy. Where are you with your personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing strategy? If you’re not sure, you’re far from alone. Marketing organizations on both the client side and agency side have a mixture of ...

  • Seven Keys to Superior Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    The Seven Components of Superior Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing. Consumers have changed. They no longer buy in the same ways. They no longer decide what to buy in the same ways. And, more importantly, they no longer hold the same expectations of a brand that they held even yesterday. In fact ...

  • Moving to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Approach

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Now Is the Time to Move to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Approach. With the recent, rapid changes in shopping habits and media diets, and as customer expectations and values take on a multitude of new forms, Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are finding themselves ...

  • The Personalized Marketing Blueprint

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Personalized Marketing has long been one of the biggest challenges for marketers — using data to reach the right person with the right message at the right moment, automated at scale — but now it’s experiencing renewed urgency and focus.

  • How much is your data worth (and would you sell it)?

    Ali Hafiz, Group Creative Director


    I’m not going to bury the lead. The answer is “yes,” you would sell your data, and in fact you already do. The more difficult and nuanced questions to answer are: Exactly how much is it worth, and do you have a choice? In the U.S., this topic is being argued among big tech, consumer advocacy groups, the federal government ...

  • Facial Recognition in a Masked World

    Desmond Burrows, Chief Creative Officer


    Remember trick-or-treating when you were a kid? Going house-to-house in a costume and a mask, with the neighbors trying to guess who you were? We never thought we’d be wearing masks around the neighborhood today (and we have to admit it’s not as fun as we remember). The COVID-19 crisis is raising new questions about identity and privacy. Now that ...

  • Good-bye Big Tech?

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Privacy. Tax loopholes. Monopolies. Hacking. Fake news. What do they all have in common? Big Tech and its influence on current consumer mindsets, the economy and state of the media. The big question here is—do Americans care enough to do something to take away that influence? The short answer is yes. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans say it’s time to ...

  • 5 Ways to Empower the Loyalty Loop

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    In the age of the empowered consumer, buying journeys are rarely linear. This means that the traditional purchase funnel isn’t aligned with the modern customer experience, and it’s time marketers adapted their view to drive conversions.

  • Triggered: Tips to Get Started with Automated Email

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Triggered emails are outperforming standard direct marketing emails but make up only 7% of marketing emails delivered. These vastly underutilized campaigns boast an average of more than 50% compared to the 20% cross-industry average open rate. They can also drive two to five times more revenue than standard emails. While the results speak for themselves, setting up a trigger campaign ...

  • “Hello < FNAME >”, 5 Tips to Create Personalized Experiences That Drive Sales

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We all know that personalization increases customer engagement, loyalty and sales because people naturally connect with brands that create relevant experiences which address their wants and needs, but it’s not always easy to get it right. Here are 5 tips to help you improve customer communications that lead to stronger relationships. Think of your customers as individuals. Start by determining ...

  • Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons The CTA button is a critical part of your email—if you’re not getting clicks, you’re not getting conversions. Best practices can vary by both industry and target audience, and the best way to determine what works is to test, test, test. We have identified three main factors to consider in determining the ...

  • Build CRM with Inbound Marketing

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Today’s consumers are no longer responding to the hard sell the way they have in the past. They now look to brands to be educated about products and services that make their lives easier when making buying decisions. They seek out informative content, and inbound marketing is made to meet this modern buyer’s behavior. The more content you create and ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Evaluate Solutions

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    As we move through the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, we’ve identified not only the consumer’s mind-set but also how brands can combat potential consumer anxieties, and suggested marketing strategy and channels to better reach a target audience. We have followed our subject, Tara, along her buying journey purchasing a new laptop. Tara has had concerns about both the price and ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Search for Solutions & Seek Vendor Solutions

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    Last week, we reviewed stage 2 of the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, “Need Recognition.” Our subject, Tara Technology, recognized a need days after she experienced her initial distraction in stage 1 due to monetary concerns. We learned that while in both stage 1 and 2, it was important for brands to target customers through pre-determinded personas to communicate brand benefits ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Recognize Need

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We continue our weekly series traveling through KERN’s Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage journey. The 10-stage journey was developed based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. Stage 2: Recognize Need After the distraction stage, the consumer recognizes a need which brings them into stage two. ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Distraction

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    KERN developed the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. In this weekly series, we take a deeper look at each of the stages in this journey, what each means for brands and takeaways to act on each stage. ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    The modern consumer is ever-changing. Armed with advancing technology, their mind-set has evolved and no longer fits traditional personas. KERN recognized this problem and sought to develop a solution that would fit modern needs for marketers. Recognizing that the convergence of faster connection speeds on both mobile and home devices, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the ...

  • “Switching Culture” In Streaming and TV Is Now A Thing

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We’ve been entertaining the hypothesis that video viewers can and will follow preferred content wherever it goes. Regardless of platform, cable service provider or mobile device, consumers can now comfortably navigate different service providers. In the not so distant past, consumers were locked into single service providers by geographical boundaries. Entire counties could be serviced only with content from one ...

  • The Future of CRM Marketing: Eight Big Trends and How They Will Affect You

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    A detailed look at forecasted 2018 CRM Marketing trends, from technological advances to shifts in the structure of marketing departments. This white paper provides information to aid in rethinking strategies and incorporating the best resources to optimize results and achieve 2018 goals.

  • SEO Is Finding Its VOICE. What’s Next?

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Gartner, a Connecticut-based technology research firm, has predicted that 30 percent of all web browsing will be screenless by 2020. Instead of typing and looking at electronic devices, people will request information out loud and a gadget will supply the answer in a humanlike voice. Of course, such systems already exist, including Amazon Echo and Google Home. How will this ...

  • Exclusive Offer: Medicare Marketing in Our Digital World

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    The Medicare audience is more digitally oriented than you may know. Our new, comprehensive ebook will enlighten you on the latest digital marketing solutions and help you better segment and target individuals for effective results—just in time for AEP! Request your personal presentation of KERN Health’s Medicare Marketing handbook today.

  • Medicare Marketers Are Struggling to Develop Digital Marketing Strategy

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    We live in a digital world. The signs of people’s ever-increasing passion for digital communications are all around us. Digital has become woven into the fabric of everyday life, yet Medicare marketers aren’t prepared to develop a digital marketing strategy. KERN Health’s informal polls at the 2016 Medicare Marketing & Sales Summits in Orlando and Nashville ...

  • Digital Strategy 101: A Prerequisite to Building a Digital Strategy

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    What Is a Digital Strategy? A digital strategy is the process of identifying, articulating and executing on digital opportunities that will increase your organization’s competitive advantage. Building a digital strategy will obviously require knowledge of the digital landscape, along with the knowledge that any Medicare marketing strategist would need to develop any marketing strategy. Part of the confusion surrounding digital ...

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    Every year, LUMA Partners, a unique investment banking firm that lives in the digital media world, releases several different LUMAscapes. These provide an infographic look at the landscape for a given digital area. There are LUMAscapes for digital display advertising, digital search advertising, mobile and video. As most Medicare marketers are in the nascent stages of both search and display, ...

  • For the People, By The Proprietary Software

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Big data has advanced the development of AI systems that can take information from a variety of inputs, identify relationships among them and make predictions that humans could never dream of making. Let's take a look at what the recent advances in AI technology mean for content marketing. In 2018, 20% of All Business Content Will Be Authored by Machines ...

  • A Digital Beginning

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” This is sound advice for life and for ending the procrastination around when your Medicare marketing organization should begin to create a digital strategy. “Go for it now.” Let’s address the elephant in the room: Every Medicare marketer has numbers to make. It ...

  • Marketing to the Empowered Buyer Is Impacting Marketers

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    We’ve come from a world in which our audience was addressable through a mass effort, rather than the precise pinpointed effort that we need today. The most challenging complexity that modern B-to-B marketers face is creating “individualism” within a mass-media framework. To speak to individuals, marketers require a model that directly addresses customer needs, wants and desires. We have evolved ...

  • Getting to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Strategy

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Why Marketing Assessments Are Critical to Launching a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Strategy. Where are you with your personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing strategy? If you’re not sure, you’re far from alone. Marketing organizations on both the client side and agency side have a mixture of ...

  • Seven Keys to Superior Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    The Seven Components of Superior Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing. Consumers have changed. They no longer buy in the same ways. They no longer decide what to buy in the same ways. And, more importantly, they no longer hold the same expectations of a brand that they held even yesterday. In fact ...

  • Moving to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Approach

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Now Is the Time to Move to a Personalized Continuous Revenue Marketing Approach. With the recent, rapid changes in shopping habits and media diets, and as customer expectations and values take on a multitude of new forms, Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are finding themselves ...

  • The Personalized Marketing Blueprint

    Russell Kern, CEO/Founder


    Personalized Marketing has long been one of the biggest challenges for marketers — using data to reach the right person with the right message at the right moment, automated at scale — but now it’s experiencing renewed urgency and focus.

  • How much is your data worth (and would you sell it)?

    Ali Hafiz, Group Creative Director


    I’m not going to bury the lead. The answer is “yes,” you would sell your data, and in fact you already do. The more difficult and nuanced questions to answer are: Exactly how much is it worth, and do you have a choice? In the U.S., this topic is being argued among big tech, consumer advocacy groups, the federal government ...

  • Facial Recognition in a Masked World

    Desmond Burrows, Chief Creative Officer


    Remember trick-or-treating when you were a kid? Going house-to-house in a costume and a mask, with the neighbors trying to guess who you were? We never thought we’d be wearing masks around the neighborhood today (and we have to admit it’s not as fun as we remember). The COVID-19 crisis is raising new questions about identity and privacy. Now that ...

  • Good-bye Big Tech?

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Privacy. Tax loopholes. Monopolies. Hacking. Fake news. What do they all have in common? Big Tech and its influence on current consumer mindsets, the economy and state of the media. The big question here is—do Americans care enough to do something to take away that influence? The short answer is yes. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans say it’s time to ...

  • 5 Ways to Empower the Loyalty Loop

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    In the age of the empowered consumer, buying journeys are rarely linear. This means that the traditional purchase funnel isn’t aligned with the modern customer experience, and it’s time marketers adapted their view to drive conversions.

  • Triggered: Tips to Get Started with Automated Email

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Triggered emails are outperforming standard direct marketing emails but make up only 7% of marketing emails delivered. These vastly underutilized campaigns boast an average of more than 50% compared to the 20% cross-industry average open rate. They can also drive two to five times more revenue than standard emails. While the results speak for themselves, setting up a trigger campaign ...

  • “Hello < FNAME >”, 5 Tips to Create Personalized Experiences That Drive Sales

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We all know that personalization increases customer engagement, loyalty and sales because people naturally connect with brands that create relevant experiences which address their wants and needs, but it’s not always easy to get it right. Here are 5 tips to help you improve customer communications that lead to stronger relationships. Think of your customers as individuals. Start by determining ...

  • Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Factors to Consider when Placing Email CTA Buttons The CTA button is a critical part of your email—if you’re not getting clicks, you’re not getting conversions. Best practices can vary by both industry and target audience, and the best way to determine what works is to test, test, test. We have identified three main factors to consider in determining the ...

  • Build CRM with Inbound Marketing

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Today’s consumers are no longer responding to the hard sell the way they have in the past. They now look to brands to be educated about products and services that make their lives easier when making buying decisions. They seek out informative content, and inbound marketing is made to meet this modern buyer’s behavior. The more content you create and ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Evaluate Solutions

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    As we move through the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, we’ve identified not only the consumer’s mind-set but also how brands can combat potential consumer anxieties, and suggested marketing strategy and channels to better reach a target audience. We have followed our subject, Tara, along her buying journey purchasing a new laptop. Tara has had concerns about both the price and ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stages: Search for Solutions & Seek Vendor Solutions

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    Last week, we reviewed stage 2 of the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey, “Need Recognition.” Our subject, Tara Technology, recognized a need days after she experienced her initial distraction in stage 1 due to monetary concerns. We learned that while in both stage 1 and 2, it was important for brands to target customers through pre-determinded personas to communicate brand benefits ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Recognize Need

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We continue our weekly series traveling through KERN’s Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage journey. The 10-stage journey was developed based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. Stage 2: Recognize Need After the distraction stage, the consumer recognizes a need which brings them into stage two. ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey; Progressive Persona Stage: Distraction

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    KERN developed the Modern Buyer’s 10-Stage Journey based on rapidly changing human patterns, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the proliferation of social networks and always-on communication abilities. In this weekly series, we take a deeper look at each of the stages in this journey, what each means for brands and takeaways to act on each stage. ...

  • The Modern Buyer’s 10-stage Journey

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    The modern consumer is ever-changing. Armed with advancing technology, their mind-set has evolved and no longer fits traditional personas. KERN recognized this problem and sought to develop a solution that would fit modern needs for marketers. Recognizing that the convergence of faster connection speeds on both mobile and home devices, the accelerated adoption of online searching and sharing, and the ...

  • “Switching Culture” In Streaming and TV Is Now A Thing

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    We’ve been entertaining the hypothesis that video viewers can and will follow preferred content wherever it goes. Regardless of platform, cable service provider or mobile device, consumers can now comfortably navigate different service providers. In the not so distant past, consumers were locked into single service providers by geographical boundaries. Entire counties could be serviced only with content from one ...

  • The Future of CRM Marketing: Eight Big Trends and How They Will Affect You

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    A detailed look at forecasted 2018 CRM Marketing trends, from technological advances to shifts in the structure of marketing departments. This white paper provides information to aid in rethinking strategies and incorporating the best resources to optimize results and achieve 2018 goals.

  • SEO Is Finding Its VOICE. What’s Next?

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Gartner, a Connecticut-based technology research firm, has predicted that 30 percent of all web browsing will be screenless by 2020. Instead of typing and looking at electronic devices, people will request information out loud and a gadget will supply the answer in a humanlike voice. Of course, such systems already exist, including Amazon Echo and Google Home. How will this ...

  • Exclusive Offer: Medicare Marketing in Our Digital World

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    The Medicare audience is more digitally oriented than you may know. Our new, comprehensive ebook will enlighten you on the latest digital marketing solutions and help you better segment and target individuals for effective results—just in time for AEP! Request your personal presentation of KERN Health’s Medicare Marketing handbook today.

  • Medicare Marketers Are Struggling to Develop Digital Marketing Strategy

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    We live in a digital world. The signs of people’s ever-increasing passion for digital communications are all around us. Digital has become woven into the fabric of everyday life, yet Medicare marketers aren’t prepared to develop a digital marketing strategy. KERN Health’s informal polls at the 2016 Medicare Marketing & Sales Summits in Orlando and Nashville ...

  • Digital Strategy 101: A Prerequisite to Building a Digital Strategy

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    What Is a Digital Strategy? A digital strategy is the process of identifying, articulating and executing on digital opportunities that will increase your organization’s competitive advantage. Building a digital strategy will obviously require knowledge of the digital landscape, along with the knowledge that any Medicare marketing strategist would need to develop any marketing strategy. Part of the confusion surrounding digital ...

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Curt Kaneshiro, SVP, Strategy


    Every year, LUMA Partners, a unique investment banking firm that lives in the digital media world, releases several different LUMAscapes. These provide an infographic look at the landscape for a given digital area. There are LUMAscapes for digital display advertising, digital search advertising, mobile and video. As most Medicare marketers are in the nascent stages of both search and display, ...

  • For the People, By The Proprietary Software

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    Big data has advanced the development of AI systems that can take information from a variety of inputs, identify relationships among them and make predictions that humans could never dream of making. Let's take a look at what the recent advances in AI technology mean for content marketing. In 2018, 20% of All Business Content Will Be Authored by Machines ...

  • A Digital Beginning

    Sajid Patel, SVP, Analytics & Marketing Technology


    The late Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” This is sound advice for life and for ending the procrastination around when your Medicare marketing organization should begin to create a digital strategy. “Go for it now.” Let’s address the elephant in the room: Every Medicare marketer has numbers to make. It ...

  • Marketing to the Empowered Buyer Is Impacting Marketers

    Boni Peluso, Associate Creative Director, KERN Health


    We’ve come from a world in which our audience was addressable through a mass effort, rather than the precise pinpointed effort that we need today. The most challenging complexity that modern B-to-B marketers face is creating “individualism” within a mass-media framework. To speak to individuals, marketers require a model that directly addresses customer needs, wants and desires. We have evolved ...